4 Weeks (at the Jewish Community Center with Amy Tyksinski) / Cost: $75 Members; $100 Non-members
Saturdays, September 21 – October 19, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
(No Class Saturday, October 12)
We will learn the second half of the 19 Movement 1-Pose T’ai Chi Chih form. Open to anyone who has already learned the first half of the form and/or anyone who would like a review of the second half or simply is eager to learn this healing movement practice as some review of Part 1 will be included. Cost: $75 Members; $100 Non-members
Please email Dawn LoQuarcio to register: dawnl@jccabq.org
October 19 @ 12:00
12:00 — 13:30 (1h 30′)