Classes and Activities
Keep scrolling for additional information and details about upcoming events!
Seijaku Workshops
(Carmen Brocklehurst — 505-299-0561)
Saturdays, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM
September 28th, November 30th
Seijaku – Advanced T’ai Chi Chih
Seijaku (“Serenity in the Midst of Activity”) is the name Justin Stone chose for his advanced form of T’ai Chi Chih. This class is open to all students who have been practicing TCC for at least a year and any TCC teachers who have not yet learned Seijaku or who want a refresher. This class includes TCC movement refinement, as Seijaku and TCC are inextricably linked, as well as incorporating meditations Justin suggested as being helpful (the Nei Kung & the Great Circle meditation) and working with the movement combination of TCC, Seijaku and Fast Track to learn this profound practice.
Required Text: T’ai Chi Chih – Joy Thru Movement Photo Text by Justin Stone.
8 Weeks (at the T’ai Chi Chih Center with Amy Tyksinski) / Cost $179
Saturdays, September 28 – November 23, 9:00-10:30 AM (No Class Saturday, November 2)
Please contact Amy Tyksinski: to register.
Intermediate T’ai Chi Chih
Open to all who have taken a Beginners T’ai Chi Chih Class or are familiar with the entire T’ai Chi Chih 19 Movement – 1 Pose form and are eager to go deeper. Required Text: T’ai Chi Chih – Joy Thru Movement Photo Text by Justin Stone.
8 weeks (at the T’ai Chi Chih Center with Amy Tyksinski) / Cost: $179
Mondays, September 30 – November 25, 5:30 – 7:00 PM (No Class Monday, October 28)
Please contact Amy Tyksinski: to register.
Beginning T’ai Chi Chih - Part 2
We will learn the second half of the 19 Movement 1-Pose T’ai Chi Chih form. Open to anyone who has already learned the first half of the form and/or anyone who would like a review of the second half or simply is eager to learn this healing movement practice as some review of Part 1 will be included. Cost: $75 Members; $100 Non-members.
4 Weeks (at the Jewish Community Center with Amy Tyksinski) / Cost: $75 Members; $100 Non-members
Saturdays, September 21 – October 19, 12:00 – 1:30 PM (No Class Saturday, October 12)
Please email Dawn LoQuarcio to register:
T’ai Chi Chih for Beginners
6 Weeks (at UNM Continuing Education with Amy Tyksinski) / Cost: $159
Sundays, September 22 – October 27 / 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Register through UNM Continuing Education:
The T'ai Chi Chih Center is now OPEN with free practices.
Ongoing T'ai Chi Chih Practices
*IN-PERSON Free Guided T’ai Chi Chih Practice: The free practices are open to those who have completed a beginning class and know all the movements. Open guided practices are led by an accredited teacher.
Every Wednesday | 5:30 p.m. | TCC Center* |
Every Thursday | noon | TCC Center* |
First Saturday of each month | noon | TCC Center* |
*IN-PERSON TEACHER T’ai Chi Chih Practice: Out of town students and teachers welcome, please call or email the Center when you plan to be in Albuquerque