T'ai Chi Chih Association Membership
The T’ai Chi Chih Association is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.
- The Association’s primary mission is educational
- The Association provides an environment that is conducive to learning T’ai Chi Chih, Joy Through Movement
Membership includes a monthly printed publication, New Mexico T’ai Chi Chih News. Each issue has:
- An article written by Justin Stone, the originator of TCC
- Other articles by teachers and students
- A calendar of TCC classes, events and activities
As a non-profit organization the operation of the TCC Center is dependent upon contributions from you.
Become a member today
- All contributions are tax-deductible
- Your support is vital and allows the TCC Center to serve as a central location to gather and experience T’ai Chi Chih, Joy Through Movement
- Send contributions to: T’ai Chi Chih Association, Sun Valley Commercial Center, 320 Osuna Rd NE, Suite G1, Albuquerque NM, 87107
- To double your donation find out if your employer has a matching contribution program
Nothing is more important than knowing how to circulate and balance the Intrinsic Energy, the Vital Force of the body, known as Chi in Chinese… The rewards in good health, wisdom, serenity, and longevity are great for the one who learns the ancient principles and applies them in a modern way.
– Justin Stone: T’ai Chi Chih Originator